According to Wikipedia, “a wig is a head or hair accessory made from human hair, animal hair, or synthetic fiber.” Wigs were used by the ancient Egyptians, and it was an adornment used by both men and women. The Egyptians created their wigs to shield the shaved or hairless head from the impact of the sun. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the wigs fell to disuse until the 16th and 17th centuries. Its use started as a means to compensate for hair loss or improving one’s appearance. The 21st century has seen massive patronage of wigs, particularly by women, with categories like human and synthetic readily available in stores.
Current use of wigs
Official use
In Britain, Commonwealth nations, and the Republic of Ireland, wigs are worn by barristers, judges, and parliamentary and municipal or civic officials when they discharge their duties as a symbol of office. Most countries have their lawyers and attorneys wear wigs when they are called to bar or while representing a client in court.
Some companies such as Lacewigsbuy offer a different range, colors, and types of wigs. It is popular among celebrities and entertainers to wear wigs. Celebrities such as Nicki Minaj, Lady Gaga, Diana Ross, Katy Perry, Dolly Parton, and a full range of others are known to have popularized the use of wigs in the entertainment sphere. The use of rubber wigs is also a common feature of Halloween. They are also used in films, theatres, and on television.
Especially on Broadway, wigs are used to give performers a fixed character. At the theatre, wigs help solidify the character’s design and identity.
Types of wigs
There many types of wigs out there. There are either ready-made or custom-made wigs. Wigs are generally made with light materials and should be comfortable to wear. There are four main types of wigs: polyurethane, mesh, combo, and open weft units. Reading online fashion companies reviewswould help in deciding which is best suited for you.
Polyurethane Styles
Polyurethane (“poly”) wigs are thin and pigmented. They help try to matching clients’ skin tone. The skin-like material makes using tapes and adhesive easier on the wig while helping extend its lifespan. Some wearers of poly wigs complain that the material is not breathable, the base feels thick, and it creates a floating sensation over the scalp.
Mesh Units
Made up of full lace and monofilament styles, this full lace group comprises Swiss lace, glass-silk, and 100% hand tied systems. Because of the construction of the wig, it is good for sensitive scalp as the top is breathable and it takes the color of the wearer’s scalp once it is in place.
These are more affordable as some monofilament styles can be a combination style that can have machine-made back and sides, with a hand-timed top.
Wigs will continue to see more patronage from women from different divides as they don’t have to go through the ordeal of sitting for hours plaiting their hairs at the saloon. It can also help them to metamorphose into whichever character catches their fancy per time.